Membership is open to men and women over 14 years of age of Nordic roots, (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish or Icelandic,) and their spouses who would like to rediscover the traditions of their forefathers; and those who are not of Nordic ancestry but are committed to the promotion and advancement of Swedish and Nordic heritage and culture.
If you do not wish to apply for membership at this time, but are interested in Nordic culture or heritage, you are most welcome at our open events.
If you want to get a membership form on-line, just go to the following address and down-load the pdf file:
Mail the dues amount of $35.00, payable to "Tre Kronor Lodge No. 713," to TreKronor Lodge No. 713, P.O. Box 2833, Salem, Oregon 97308.
2008 News
Transcript of Minutes of Tre Kronor Lodge
Meeting on November 9, 2008
Regular monthly meeting at Willamette Lutheran Home facility.
After our potluck meal at 2 pm Audrey Cameron presided over the business meeting.
No minutes were presented from previous meeting on Oct. 12, 2008
A presentation and gift were made to Christina Coffey upon her and her family's departure to live in Washington DC, in recognition for her years of devoted and diligent service to the
Tre Kronor Lodge.
Election of officers for the year 2009 was held by ballot.
The results:
Chairman, Audrey Cameron
Vice Chairman, Laura Wolfe
Recording Secretary , Ray Utterback
Membership Chairman, Barry Ostrom
Social Chairman, Stephanie Cameron-Barth
Phone Tree Chairmen, Inger Merrick and Geraldine Morod
Cheer Committee, Donna Amoth
Assistant Secretary, Carolyn Frohman
Financial Secretary , Larry Rosen
Treasurer, Mike Engberg
Chaplain , Larry Rosen
Cultural Leaders, Geraldine Morod and Laura Wolfe
Meeting adjourned. Followed by a program on members' Swedish connections, ancestry and history.
--RAYMOND V. UTTERBACK, Recording Secretary
Note: On Dec. 29, 2008 the officers received a letter of resignation from the office of Treasurer by Mike Engberg and a statement that he could not accept the office in 2009. --RVU
Minutes - Regular Meeting - October 7, 2007
1. Motion to increase annual dues to $35.00 made and seconded. Part-year dues for those who join after the May regular meeting to be set at $20.00. This motion passed.
2. Agreed that Tre Kronor Lodge should remain part of the national VASA organization.
3. the meeting voted to accept Mr. Michael Timshel as a member.
Minutes - Board Meeting - October 27, 2007
1. The Board, acting as a nominating committee, made the following nominations for officers for 2008:
Chairman: Audrey Cameron
Treasurer: Mike Engberg
Secretary: Raymond Utterback
Financial Secretary: Suzanne Karlson
Social Chairman: Stephanie Cameron-Barth
Membership Chairman: Barry Ostrom
Newsletter (Tre Kronor Tidning): Christina Coffey
2. The Board agreed to simplify the method of receiving new members so that full membership occurs without delay to a ceremonial day.
3. The Board discussed ways to care for children during meetings.
4. The Board supported Janet Opdahls plan to request special/emergency benefit from VASA to support search for her brother, lost in the mountains.
5. The Board made plans for organizing the Lucia Day program.
6. The Board made plans for notifying members and collecting the annual dues for 2008.
7. The Board received the Treasurers Report.
8. The Board approved the following specific donations from the funds budgeted for donations:
Scandinavian Heritage Foundation - $50
Swedish Council of America - $50
Trollbacken - $50
9. Date set for next meeting: January 19, 2008, 2 PM
Minutes - General Meeting - January 6, 2008
1. Mike Engberg gave the Treasurers Report.
2. Report of the nominations for officers was presented by Audrey Cameron. No other nominations were made. Motion was made and seconded to elect as officers those nominated at the Board meeting of October 27, 2007. Motion passed.
3. Motion made to send a thank you letter and a $50 gift of the Willamette Lutheran Retirement Community for hosting our meetings. Motion passed.
4. Next Meeting: February 3, 2008, 2 PM. Themes: Family pictures and open-faced sandwiches.
Change of Meeting Place
By a unanimous vote at the January 1, 2006 Regular Lodge Meeting the lodge meeting place is changed from 1625 Brush College Road NW to 7693 Wheatland Rd. North, Keizer, Oregon effective with the March 5, 2006 Regular Lodge Meeting
The new meeting room is the Recreation Room of the Willamette Lutheran Retirement Community.
Remember this for our Regular Lodge meeting on March 5th, 2006, and thereafter.