Lodge Bessemer No. 203
Vasa Order of America


About Us






News and Announcements:

Bessemer Julfest a big hit!!!

There was plenty going on at Bessemer's Julfest. There was a craft station where families gathered to make several different types of ornaments. The ornaments were then used to decorate our Christmas tree. We had a feast of wonderful food and plenty of desserts. Later on we sang songs and some of the children learned the moves for Hey Tomtegubbar...they were so cute. The day was topped off with a visit from Tomte and he had bags for all of the children....all and all a great day!!

Getting ready for Bessemer Family Midsummer Picnic

This Saturday, June 6, we will meet at Hidden Pond Forest Preserve. After a short meeting, we'll enjoy the day out in the woods. The picnic will be catered and we'll play some games. Also, a big treat, is that a former Solstralen Children's Club member, Mark Nilsson, the newest correspondent on the TV Show "190 North" will emcee the event. To attend, call Britt at 773-239-1855.

Lake Michigan District Convention was a big succes

Bessemer 203 had four delegates attend the event down in Indianapolis, Indiana. Attending were: Jim and Pat Peltzman, Britt and Susan Nilsson. Susan Nilsson was on the Membership Committee. Britt Nilsson was on the Youth Committee. Jim Peltzman was on the By-Law Committee and Pat Peltzman was on Culture committee. We enjoyed the banquet with good food and camaraderie. The program was quite entertaining as well. On Sunday, members of Bessemer who have recently passed, including Bill Kilstrom and John Peltzman, were honored at the Memorial Service.


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